The nfo/grf Technical Reference

The nfo/grf Technical Reference

Creating new graphics sets

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These pages contain info on how to make new graphics sets. The reference on the actions is up-to-date, whereas the tutorial is still under construction. Stay tuned.

The main advantage of nfo/grf is versatility and performance. Because of tight integration with the game's state engine, there's nearly no limit for the nfo/grf coder (many of nfo's features in existence since years haven't made it into set development as of today!) in conjunction with an excellent performance, because of it's heavily optimized byte code for processing and displaying sprites.

In TTDPatch, the resulting byte code is even compiled into CPU instructions directly, something which couldn't be accomplished by any script-related approach.

OTOH, the "drawback" of using plain nfo is that it's hard to write and even harder to read. There have been several approaches to remedy this by supplying additional programs for lexical checking and beautifying nfo-code (renum), graphics frontends for nfo-programming (GRFmaker), and high-level languages compiling into NFO (m4nfo and NML).

However, to get the most out of these approaches, a thorough knowledge of plain nfo is still important, both for the game developer and for the graphic's set author, something that this newly compilated and revised technical reference would like to provide.

A downloadable version of these pages, in the form of a zip file containing all individual pages as HTML files, is available here.

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